Ningbo Ketian Magnet CO.,LTD.
Ningbo Ketian Magnet CO.,LTD.

Participat in the 23rd China International Industrial Expo

Sep 22 , 2023

On September 19 to 23, 2023, the 23rd China International Industrial Expo was grandly held at Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. Ketian Magnet participated in the exhibition together with our group.

Participat in the 23rd China International Industrial Expo

Since its establishment in 1999, the Shanghai Industrial Expo has developed into the most influential international industrial brand exhibition in the industrial field. The theme of this year's is "Carbon based New Industry, Digital Convergence New Economy", covering the entire industry chain from basic materials, key components, advanced intelligent equipment, digital solutions, etc. At this exhibition, our company focused on showcasing high-performance electromagnetic wires and magnets for industrial automation, high-strength copper alloy rods, wires and strips for industrial connectors, and high conductivity copper bars for industrial electrical purposes.


During the exhibition, more than 150 leading industrial enterprises, including ABB, Rosenberg, Huichuan Technology, SAIC Volkswagen, China Shipbuilding, and Weien Electric, visited our booth to exchange product technical information with on-site personnel.


Participat in the 23rd China International Industrial Expo

The Industrial Expo is a top event in the field of industrial technology, a concentrated display of global industrial wisdom, and one of the most important platforms for companies to connect strategies and customers. In the future, the Strategy and Market Center will continue to coordinate its layout and planning, leveraging the most professional and influential exhibition platforms to showcase Ketian's first-class products to the world and establish the corporate image of being the leading one in industry.


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