Ningbo Ketian Magnet CO.,LTD.
Ningbo Ketian Magnet CO.,LTD.

Ketian Holds Product Project Manager System Meeting

Mar 11 , 2024

Recently, Ketian held a summary meeting for the 2023 and a planning meeting for the 2024 product project management system. The President of the Industry Third Division, Mr Fu, the Director, Mrs Cen, the General Manager, Mr Xu, as well as all cadres and core members of the product project teams and divisions attended the meeting.

This meeting comprehensively summarized and reviewed the progress of the 2023 project, and each project manager reported on the completion of the project indicators led by the team, sharing experiences and lessons learned. At the same time, in conjunction with the strategic planning of the business unit, the 2024 project promotion goals and process management measures were formulated.

The attending leaders affirmed the efforts and efforts of the project team, and pointed out that the product project manager system has focused on goals, gathered wisdom, and found methods in the implementation process, forming many effective improvement measures and providing strong support for the company's development. In future work, it is required to focus on goals and implement them vigorously, in order to achieve a close combination and mutual promotion of high-quality products and outstanding talents, and contribute to the company's "dual upgrading of products and customers" strategy.

On site project evaluations were also conducted, and the three leaders of the compressor project team, new energy project team A, and electric tool project team were awarded as excellent project managers.
