Ningbo Ketian Magnet CO.,LTD.
Ningbo Ketian Magnet CO.,LTD.

Baotou Magnet - 2023 Annual Meeting

Jan 26 , 2024

At the beginning of the new year, to strengthen the internal cohesion of the enterprise, Baotou Magnet held a 2023 annual meeting, with the participation of company leaders and all employees, including Mr Xu, General Manager of Ketian Magnet and Mr Ni, General Manager of Baotou Magne.

Two leaders all delivered speeches and expressed good wishes to the employees, and pointed out that in 2024, everyone should take corporate culture as the guide, deeply implement the guiding ideology of the group's work in 2024, work hard, and create outstanding performance.


Each department has carefully prepared some shows like skits, recitations, and lucky draws to bring the atmosphere to a climax.

The successful holding of this annual meeting not only strengthened communication among employees and enhanced team cohesion, but also led employees to continue promoting the corporate spirit and contributing to the development of the company in the new year.
